Xenon UV germ-killing Robots: Difference Between Different Technologies
Xenon UV germ-killing Robots Against LED UVC Machines The Xenon Uv germ-killing robots are relatively new in the disinfection industry. The disinfectant industry has come a long way from manual cleaning. The world is constantly undergoing change and recent events have shown us that well-established health care systems can fail in times of crisis. Germ… Continue reading Xenon UV germ-killing Robots: Difference Between Different Technologies

Application of Xenon UVC robot
Xenon UVC robot deactivates pathogens using varying wavelengths The demand for Xenon UVC Robot was never been so important as it is today. The last few years remained so hard for the world. It happens because of the rapid rise in COVID-19. Personal or individual safety becomes a critical subject. With this concern, many ways… Continue reading Application of Xenon UVC robot