How UV Light Disinfection Robot Help Reducing Borne Infection?
2021-02-26 by hqt
Efficacy Of UV Light Disinfection Robot To Disinfect Hospitals
UV light disinfection robot has played a vital role during the crucial days of the pandemic. Our way of living completely changed after the massive spread of COVID-19. Experts emphasized maintaining hand-hygiene and urged the individuals to stay at home. Anxiety prevailed everywhere and one was not allowed even to visit the hospitals.
Contagious viruses spread easily and surface sharing common contact points make it easy for microbes causing these viruses to transfer within individuals. No matter how much effort we put into disinfecting our hands, we cannot get rid of the spread of viruses unless we disinfect these surfaces.
However, it is not easy as it seems. All the hospitals employ cleaning staff who aim at cleaning the surfaces deeply. But manual cleaning can only disinfect up to 50 percent.
This article discusses how a UV light disinfection robot performs disinfection with its unique features and advantages.
UV Light Disinfection
After the massive spread of the coronavirus last year, we see multiple unique devices that encourage individuals to maintain hand-hygiene. It is essential to keep hands clean and germ-free all the time to help prevent the viruses’ spread. But what if we disinfect the root cause that transfers pathogens to pass within individuals.
The surface having common contact points carry thousands of contagious microbes. For instance, it is hard to believe that the amount of germs a keyboard carries is bigger than that in toilets. Therefore, no matter how much effort we put into disinfecting our hands, we can’t get rid of pathogens unless we disinfect these surfaces. UV technology, being an old way to disinfect surfaces is a promising technique to disinfect such objects. These objects may include door handles, electric switches, and all areas having common contact points.
UV disinfection specifically disinfects surfaces and is not suitable for humans and animals. Therefore, several UV disinfection units are available that provide automation to detect movements. With UV lamps providing complete disinfection in homes and UV disinfection machines in workplaces to UV light disinfection robots in hospitals, the world has become a safer place to live in during these hard days of the pandemic.
UV Light Disinfection Robot
UV light disinfection robot emits a beam of light that is responsible to sterilize objects. It inactivates microbes and pathogens and deeply disinfects all the surfaces. While cleaning surfaces manually, one might miss one or several spots.
Moreover, sometimes the cleaning squad has to leave the disinfectant to stay on the surface for several minutes, and then they wipe and clean the surfaces. This process can be time-consuming in areas like hospitals. It is crucial to disinfect the rooms once patients leave as several germs adhere to the objects and surfaces inside the room.
Some bacteria like methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus can remain in the room for up to 9 months and it is merely impossible to disinfect MRSA using conventional means. UV light disinfection robot transmits UV rays that destroy viruses’ DNA destroying most bacteria completely while inactivating the rest so they become harmless.
How UV Light Disinfection Robot Help Reducing Borne Infection?
It is crucial to disinfect places like hospitals and enhanced disinfection is not possible with conventional methods. Therefore, UV light disinfection robots with their colossal features ensure a safe and healthy environment in hospitals. Here are a few out of many features that help this device reduce borne infections.
Computing System
UV light disinfection robot helps reduce borne disease specifically in hospitals. It is essential to disinfect every corner inside the hospital as several microbes can cause infections to the visitors. During the hard days of the pandemic, the health and paramedical staff suggested that individuals shouldn’t visit hospitals unnecessarily.
Hospitals had become a permanent hub to coronavirus’ spread. Because it was not possible to disinfect every corner of hospitals to ensure a virus-free environment. Therefore, the existence of a UV light disinfection robot is a blessing in disguise to humans.
The device effectively disinfects the areas inside the hospitals and provides some additional features. For instance, it has a cloud-computing system that keeps a record of all the places that the device disinfects. This record helps the staff disinfect the entire hospital and leave no corner undisinfected.
Economically Stable
UV light disinfection units come in different price ranges. It depends on the size, rate, and features of the unit. However, one should buy the unit according to the application, and the rate of disinfection depends on the size of the exposed area.
For instance, if you purchase a unit to disinfect your home, it will take hardly 15 minutes to disinfect a medium-sized bathroom. On the contrary, disinfecting a room will take approximately 45 minutes. Hence, the rate depends on the application and not on size. But in areas like hospitals you cannot afford to give much time to disinfect each room. Therefore, investing in the UV light disinfection robot will help hospitals maximize the economic factors by minimizing the disinfection duration.
Sensors To Detect Movements
While disinfecting sensitive areas like hospitals, it is necessary to understand that human presence in areas exposed to UV light is not suitable. Therefore, it is essential to restrict the areas exposed to harmful exposure of UV lights. UV rays can cause skin cancer and other skin-related issues.
Therefore this technology promises to disinfect surfaces only. But one should take necessary precautions before exposing the surfaces to the robots. UV robots employ sensors that detect movement and shuts down immediately. This automation will cause less harm to humans
Using conventional UV disinfection units that don’t have sensors to detect movements are not recommended to employ in hospitals. UV light disinfection robot automatically switches off when it detects human presence around its vicinity. Therefore these robots are the only solution to perform disinfection in hospitals.
Efficacy Of The Robot In Hospitals
UV light disinfection robot effectively disinfects the rooms and hallways in the hospitals. Research has proven that UV light disinfects objects up to 99.9999 percent whereas most conventional methods disinfect objects up to 45 percent.
However, it is equally important to employ cleaning staff as UV disinfection doesn’t work on filthy surfaces like blood. These surfaces require manual cleaning. Therefore, to achieve maximum possible disinfection it is essential to employ both manual and automatic modes of cleaning i.e. cleaning staff and UV disinfection robots.
Hydrogen Peroxide Vs UV Disinfection Robot
No other conventional disinfecting method can be as effective as a UV light disinfection robot except for using hydrogen peroxide disinfectant. Hydrogen Peroxide also performs disinfection with the same efficacy. However, it requires complete isolation and air ducts need to remain shut.
This procedure involves greater time duration and areas like hospitals cannot afford to compromise on time. Therefore, it is essential to disinfect such areas using the UV light disinfection robot. Moreover, the method of disinfection using hydrogen peroxide is not as convenient as the UV disinfection robot.
To sum up, UV light disinfection robot has played a vital role in disinfecting surfaces during the hard days of the pandemic. There was no permanent solution to curb the virus’s spread except for disinfecting hands and surfaces regularly. Experts urged people to stay at home and suggested to not even visit the hospitals.
Thousands of people gather at hospitals every day and they bring different kinds of viruses with them. The surfaces of hospitals carry several pathogens no matter how much effort does the cleaning squad puts in disinfecting them. The only way to ensure proper disinfection in hospitals is to employ a UV light disinfection robot.
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